AFRIBOOM GERMANY2011 Business Forum
Business trip of Cameroonian entrepreneurs to Germany
with the attendance at the USETEC Fair
Cologne – Nürnberg – Lohr a. Main – Würzburg/Hassfurt
On the sidelines of USETEC 2011 in Cologne: The International Exhibition of new and second hand Machinery and equipment; the largest exhibition of its kind in Europe. Youattend the Daysofeconomicworkorganized byAFRIBOOMand his local partnerssuch as:
-TheGerman Chamber of Commerce-organizations, CitiesandTowns, individual companies, business groupsoperating in organization,networksand sector which are interesting for ourtargetmarkets in Africa.
Visit of the USETEC Fair in Cologne and the Hannover Fair (Technology Event)
Daysofeconomic workwithGerman companies:
- Presentationby financial institutionson the methods offinancinginvestment projectsbetween Germany andAfrica
- Directmeetings withpotentialinvestorsandpartners inGermany
Company visits: Transformations -Productions–Industrializations
Forms and investment concepts - Access to Know how and transfer of German technology with advice and support of AFRIBOOM
Related services
Travel formalities
Organization of stay and displacement for the duration of the Forum
FacilitatingcontactswithGerman companies
Visits of German companies and trade fairs (USETEC and HANNOVER MESSE)
Advice-orientation toappropriate Germanpartners
Monitoring servicespostto the forum